Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Millie Elder back in the courts…



It is suspected that Millie will be given some Jail time this time, I remain doubtful.

celebrity justice has proven that often the sentences handed out for crimes are too soft and often involve community service or home detention- both of which offer no form of rehabilitation or pay any debt to society.


How many strikes until your out?


Should celebrity status (not that she is much of a celebrity) count for anything in a courtroom? It shouldn’t, but it does, it counts for leniency on some part from the Judge. For example say a complete stranger is arrested and charged for a bar fight in the city, now say Marc Ellis is arrested and charged for the same offense straight away you sympathise with the celebrity.


I don’t see any resolve for Millie whatever sentence is handed out, as she is still with her head hunter boyfriend and associated with the wrong crowd.


Besides a sentence of Jail, Home detention, Community service will not change a thing..